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Child Lock Price in Pakistan May 2024

Child safety is a top priority for parents, especially when it comes to protecting their little ones at home. That's why Shopaholic.pk offers a range of child locks and safety accessories to help you secure your home and give you peace of mind.

One of the most important areas to child-proof is the electrical outlets in your home. Socket guards are an easy and effective way to protect your baby from electrocution and keep their curious little fingers from getting into dangerous places. These socket guards are easy to install and fit snugly over your electrical outlets, making them inaccessible to children.

Another essential item to keep your child safe is an anti-child lock. These locks can be used on cabinets, drawers, and doors to keep them securely closed, preventing children from accessing potentially dangerous items or areas. These locks are easy to install and use, and they are also sturdy and durable, ensuring that your child stays safe and secure.

For parents who have a refrigerator, a baby fridge security toddler safety lock is a must-have. This lock can be installed easily and prevents your child from opening the fridge or freezer and accessing food or other items that could be harmful. It also ensures that your child doesn't accidentally get trapped inside the fridge, which can be dangerous.

A baby safety drawer lock is another crucial item for keeping your child safe. These locks are easy to install and can be used on any drawer in your home to prevent your child from accessing potentially dangerous items like knives or chemicals. They are also easy to use, ensuring that you can access the contents of the drawer quickly and easily when you need to.

For parents who are out and about with their little ones, a baby safety walking hand belt can provide an added layer of protection. These belts are designed to keep your child close to you while walking, ensuring that they don't wander off or get lost in crowds. They are also comfortable for your child to wear, so they won't fuss or resist wearing them.

Finally, safety child locks are an all-around essential for any home with young children. These locks can be used on a variety of items, from cabinets to drawers to doors, and they are easy to install and use. They provide a strong and secure lock that will prevent your child from accessing potentially harmful areas or items.

At Shopaholic.pk, we understand that the safety of your child is paramount. That's why we offer a range of child locks and safety accessories that are easy to install and use, ensuring that your home is safe and secure for your little ones. Plus, with our 15-day return and exchange policy and money-back guarantee, you can shop with confidence. We offer multiple payment options, including cash on delivery, credit card, debit card, net banking, easy paisa, and jazz cash, and we deliver to Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Faisalabad, Multan, Sailkot, Gujranwala, Quetta, Peshawar, and other cities around Pakistan. Shop now and make your home safer for your child!

Child Lock Products

You can find 8 Child Lock in Pakistan through this category. This prices are being last updated on May 14 2024
